Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

48 Hours in LA

So, I'm back. I'm sure most of you are saying, "You were gone???" And the rest of you are saying, "Who are you, and why should I care???" I have no good retort to either response. I was in LA for 48 hours for a business trip. It was sweet and a half, because I got to be a beach bum before and after my meeting. It was nice, because there weren't any crowds and it was warmish but not hot, and it was all very laid back. I got some great time just walking around, reading, praying, worshipping in the midst of sweet creation. Here's a pictorial tour of the goings on.

I rented a bike and took a ride up the coast. I was in the South Bay area (I guess that's what they call it), so this is just north of Manhattan Beach.

This is at my meeting. We're discussing the current gnarliness level of waves and new methods to increase the stokeditude factor for our estimates. Ok, fine, my meeting involved no surfing, but I wish it had. Yes, those tiny things are surfers.

This is Venice Beach pier this morning. The picture doesn't capture it, but the water was very glassy, and the reflection of the pier looked awesome as the waves went up and down. Phenomenal.

These little piper birds kept running away from the waves, then would turn around and poke at the debris the wave brought up (I guess looking for food, but who knows why birds pick at things), then they'd run as the next one came up. Very amusing.

So all in all, my meeting went well, I got to bum around at the beach some, I got some great God time in, and I get back just in time for a 3-day weekend. Not bad in my book.


  • At 1/14/2006 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You get Monday off? That is so not fair. I think I am the only person I know without Monday off from work. Bah!

  • At 1/16/2006 9:10 AM , Blogger mmm... said...

    Maybe if you weren't anonymous, people would know you exsist enough to warrant a day off. Just a thought...

  • At 1/17/2006 9:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yay for business trips! The editors at my company go on tons of trips, but Production pretty much never does and when they do it's like the manager of our entire department that gets to go.

    I really like that last picture you posted, with the rocks on one side and the ocean on the other with the little birdies and then the silhouetted guy walking off in the distance.. it made me happie.

  • At 1/18/2006 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i'm glad u liked my hometown...AND that you didn't get mugged...and you didn't get hassled by guys on muscle beach...and you did stuff i haven't even done yet! like rent a bike! :) cool pics! cc

  • At 1/20/2006 12:53 AM , Blogger jo portnoy said...

    I love your pictures.


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