Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Monday, February 20, 2006

5th grade science and the Code of the Maktar

So I've had a ridiculously cool weekend with my former housemates Josh and En-Tseh. We have had some sweet worship and prayer time, and loads of fun hanging out. Here is a pictorial tour of the weekend. Hilarity ensued.

They quickly made themselves at home in our apartment. Apparently their version of home involves bombs exploding...

On Sunday, after channeling our inner 5th grader (not very hard for any of us), the guys and Brad decided to try a little science fair project: making a tornado with water in two bottles of soda. I seem to remember a successful version that involved a potato with a hole in it between the bottles to make a tighter cyclone.

After about 10 minutes of potato operations, duct taping, and grape juice spills (and the requisite dissing of the simplicity of 5th graders' science), we were ready to give our contraption a spin. Unfortunately, it was an astounding failure. Rather than a vicious and powerful tornado, our apparatus resembled a leaky faucet. Even after some precision surgery, the cyclone would not form...

Tragedy. And boy were we embarrassed about making fun of 5th graders. But we would not be deterred. Surely Google would have a solution. And it did. By using duct tape rather than potato to create the hole, we were able to make a killer cyclone that would have won 2nd or 3rd place at a science fair. Using the collective brain power of our 5 bachelors and 3 masters degrees (in engineering and math, no less), we were able to match the accomplishments of 5th graders. A proud day indeed.

Once our experimenting was done, we were still in a 5th grade state of mind, so we blackened the windows and covered every source of light in the apartment (except those pesky smoke detector lights) to play hide-and-seek in the dark. Some of the players were a little shaky, and kept revealing themselves in a flatulent manner, or laughing hysterically whenever someone walked in the room or turned the shower on on them. I, however, was able to evade capture using my Maktar Stealth Haze.

By Grabthar's Hammer, no one could find me. My Maktar skills were off the hook. I'd like to see you try to find me in this picture:
That shadow in the corner, that's actually me. Here, this is a closer look, in case you still can't see it.

What a sweet weekend. Thanks to the former Lifehouse Crew: Josh, En-Tseh, and Chris. Good times indeed.


  • At 2/21/2006 9:06 PM , Blogger Chandster said...

    Okay Monty this post rocks. I totally laughed out loud more than once. So, can we start calling you shadow? And can I play next time? Later shadow!


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