Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Greatest Inventions Ever (Updated)

So in general, I'm a pretty simple guy. I like my nachos with cheese and salsa, and sometimes beans. I didn't get a cell phone until 6 months ago. I miss the days when war meant storming a castle with a big tree. But there are a few modern conveniences that I just find handy. Here's a list of a few.

1. Remote keyless entry. I understand you can open a door just fine using the key, but let's be honest, it just feels cool to unlock from across the parking garage. It helps when your hands are full, or when someone left something in the car and you're already halfway to the store and you really don't feel like walking all the way back to unlock. Plus, the panic button leads to hilarity on a regular basis. I can't wait until remote keyless entry is standard issue on all houses. And panic buttons for that matter, heh heh.

2. Dishwashers. I used to be in the camp of those who believe dishwashers are overrated. That is no longer the case. Dishwashers are amazing! It's so easy! They even have those dishwasher tabs now, so I don't even need to pour powder out of a box to get my plates sparkling. Plus, if I for some reason ever get the urge to wash manually, nothing is stopping me. Dishwashers for President!

3. Mp3 players. Again, I assumed these were overrated. No longer the case. I got a Creative Muvo, which is the size of a pack of Trident, and has helped me do the following: run 4 miles for the first time ever (by doing a "one more song and I'll stop" for 3.5 of those); workout regularly for the first time EVER; listen to whatever I want on my way to work; walk down the street and look cool for the first time EVER. You get the idea. I love my Muvo. Oh yeah, I'd NEVER have finished my thesis without it. Not a chance. It got me through some lonely nights at Mohler...

4. Propel. Once upon a time, I loved Gatorade Riptide Rush, and I drank it all the time. Then one day I got sick of it. "It is too sweet" I said. But what could replace it? Shortly afterward, Danny introduced me to the wonderful world of Propel. "Try it Monty, you'll LOVE it," he'd say with a grin. Reluctantly I tried it, and he was right; I loved it. Even the Lemon! Now, I drink it all the time. It gives me the energy boost I need after working out without the loads of sugar.

5. EZ Pass. Yet another thing I assumed was overrated. Maybe I shouldn't knock it till I try it. But EZ Pass alleviates one of my biggest pet peeves: Toll Booth congestion. It's one of the most inefficient locations I can think of, and as an industrial engineer, I'm against that. I enjoy flying through toll booths at 35 as the hordes dig for cash and coin... Ah the hordes.

Those are the biggies, IMHO. I could also go on about digital cameras, but instead, I give you THIS!
Now go ahead, storm it! Attack! Battering ram, full speed ahead!


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