Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Two Things

Two Things:

First, I'm convinced my toilet is floating. Every time I look in it, the water is moving back and forth. It's moving slowly, but it is noticeable movement. It's hypnotic... Like a lava lamp. So today, John (yes my toilet is named John) and I were hanging out, and I noticed that I was rocking back and forth. I think I was getting sea sick from it actually. So maybe my toilet sits right on a hole in the space-time continuum, and in that hole is the ocean, and it happens to be floating on a log or something. This is of course the only possible explanation. Ever. Man, I'll rue the day the log sinks..
I fully expect John to end up like this for real. Let's hope that no one I love is on it at the time...

Second, link of the day:
From the Washington Post. This is like if you named your kid "Slomo" and he turned out to be a track star, only this is much cuter, and yet has the possibility for tragic and gruesome ending.
Maybe he's just letting him fatten up...


  • At 1/23/2006 1:17 PM , Blogger Chandster said...

    I just saw the hampster and snake on a talk show. Well it wasn't actually them it was just the story about them. That is crazy. My question is what does the hampster think about snake when the snake is eating his friends and family?

  • At 2/11/2006 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    John is making me sea sick.


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