Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I used to TOLAS a lot

Now I don't. Not really sure why. And here you are, reading this post about how I don't really post, and that's not even new information to you. Maybe I don't post because when I don't have something specific to say, I babble on about nothing.

Worst Post Ever. At least it wasn't about hot dogs. Mmmmm, Nathan's hot dogs...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

What my 6-year-old self would think of me

Inspired by a comment Chris made, I'd like to explore what my 6-year-old self would think of me if he could see me now.
  • He would be disappointed that I'm not a Marine, a garbage man, or a Transformers designer
  • He would not be impressed with the amount of cartoons I currently watch.
  • He'd be excited that Mom still buys me Legos and other toys. Me too.
  • He would be surprised with the number of girls I hang out with. "Don't they have cooties?" he'd ask. "No, I'm sorry Little Mike; I accidentally used my superior adult intelligence to prove that it is actually boys that have cooties, which is majorly disappointing," I would reply sadly . Who says adult intelligence is superior...
  • He would think it's awesome that I have a huge apartment with no breakable things so I can play ball inside. We agree on this.
  • He would approve of the fact that I still commonly use words like "dude" and "awesome", continuing the traditions passed down by the Ninja Turtles.
  • He would push for more ice cream and Hyrdox in my diet, as well as a return of the habitual bedtime snack of bread and water.
  • He'd be impressed that I can drive a car that isn't driven with a Nintendo controller. "How can you even reach the pedals?"
  • He'd be sad that my desk isn't covered in Tonka trucks, Transformers, GI Joes, or Thundercats. "Those are worth a ton on E-Bay," I'd claim as he shook his head and shed a tear. I'd never sell them, but the fact that the thought exists would burn him like acid.
  • He'd be sad that I no longer have a slide and jungle gym in my room. We agree on this too.
  • He'd be pleased that I still slouch when I sit, have awful penmenship, can't spell, and talk with my mouth full. The consumption of fruits and veggies would be a disappointment though.
  • He'd be so happy that I still love Moxie, and that I can make and drink a 64 oz Moxie Float.
  • He'd think I'm the toughest person ever because I don't cry when I scrape my knee. That would change when he realized I still cry when I get water up my nose.
After a few small corrections, I think 6-year-old Mike would generally approve of the life I live. This is likely no surprise to anyone who knows me. I'm going to assume that it's a good thing.

"You can finally vote for Optimus Prime for President!"