Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

To the Bangladesh contingent of my readers...

Happy Birthday!
Happy Arbitrary Anniversary!
Come back soon.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Maybe he has a point...

"H.I., you're young and you got your health, what you want with a job?"

Evelle from Raising Arizona.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Simpsonize Me

In honor of the Simpsons movie, they (whoever "they" are) started a website where you can "Simpsonize" yourself []. You upload a photo, customize a few things, and whammo, they give you the Simpsons-animated version of you. It's nearly the speed of molasses and sometimes doesn't like the picture you upload, but to me it was worth the hassle and pain. This is what I came up with:

I think the 5 O'Clock shadow doesn't really suit me, but I didn't know how to capture my normal scruff. The ears are giant enough, and the eyes and glasses are about as expected, but the hairline may be a bit generous. I nailed the T-shirt though. Go Grey!

UPDATE: I gave it another crack when it wasn't acting up so much, and came up with this:
That's pretty darn me.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wedding Exstravaganza

So... Chris and Katy got married on Sunday. It was quite a celebration, and was very cool to be a part of. I got to push buttons! And I added a dance move. Though I'm pretty sure it's only appropriate for awkward solo dancing while everyone else glares. It was great to see some friends, and venture up North, and watch some belated July 4th fireworks. Congrats to newly-created Norberg Family!

The Whole Gang. Nice job wedding party! Way to make sure Chris and Katy got married!

Shhh, keep it on the Down Low, but I think Chris has a thing for Katy...

Yes Danny, I see the baby. He's right there...

See, I told you he has a thing for her!

That's a nice vista backdrop, but it'd be even better if there were a rustic barn...

Chillin' on the patio thing

Hey look, a rustic barn!! Great backdrop, and way to hold it up.

Couple, Cake, and Kids.

And the winner of coolest most popular table at the wedding: Table 18!!

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Jack Smuck is a funny name

Today was the 2nd anniversary of me entering the working world. Two years. I have very little idea what that means. I celebrated by breaking out the Surf Rock for the first time in a while. Yeeeah.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

How I spent my summer vacation

Stephen and I built a fort on Saturday. We were inspired by some off-hand comment he made, and we committed. It took up 80% of our living/dining area. It was pretty much the best thing ever. We read in it, prayed in it, ate cookie dough in it, watched Return of the King in it, watched baseball in it, slept in it, ate ice pops in it, and hung out in it. Even Stephen and Chris's parents hung out in it! Everything's better in a fort! Unfortunately, we had to tear it down. Sad times.

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Joey Chestnut wins, every one else loses

Happy Independence Day! Boom! Pow! Oooooh! Aaaaaaah!

Joey Chestnut brings back the title of Most Gluttonous back to the US. I really wish I could find some way to be impressed, but I can't get past visualizing how 66 hotdogs would feel in my stomach. Ugh.

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