Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Random link of the day

Not sure why this causes me as much pleasure as it does, but it does. Maybe because the concept is so simple, and there seems like there should be more to it, yet there isn't. As of now, I've cooked turkeys to 11%, 158%, 66% and 86%. I only stopped the 158% one because steam/smoke was coming out. I'm not very good, but I also wasn't trying very hard. Tonight, I roast two turkeys all night. C'mon 800% cooked!

PS Rob got 93% first try. He's much better than me. He also cooked his at a reasonable temperature, unlike me.

Mmmm, delicious crayon turkey...

You can view my latest and greatest culinary creation here. Just like Julia Child would make... Man, I love Julia Child. One time she was cooking a Napoleonic Era high class French meal, and to be authentic she used a sabre to cut the fowl she cooked. So great. In a modern day twist, to be successful I need a hacksaw to cut the fowl I cooked. Or a chainsaw. Or maybe a plasma saw.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Yesterday, I got a e-mailed newsletter from 2002. To an e-mail address I didn't have in 2002. It's still 2006 right? Because if not, I am so late for my Microeconomics class...

Yesterday my spellcheck decided I was speaking in French. Therefore, words such as "some" and "something" came up as misspelled. Needless to say, I was confused. I don't even know French. And computers think they're so smart...


Friday, November 17, 2006

"The West Wing" on 007

Can I tell you what's messed up about James Bond?


Shaken not stirred will get you cold water with a dash of gin and dry vermouth. The reason you stir it with a special spoon is so not to chip the ice. James is ordering a weak martini and being snooty about it.


It's Jed Bartlet, Mrs. Morello. I've got a few questions. When you taught Beowulf, did you make the kids read it in the original Middle English or did you use a translation?

We used a translation, Mr. President.

Okay. We're going to call that the James Bond version.


Daniel Craig does NOT look like Bond. He has the look of a great rogue agent (a la Boromir in "Golden Eye"). Clive Owen would have had the look down much better. Hopefully Craig has the attitude and panache to make up for it. Not that I care that much, since I'm not really a Bond fan.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Various Stuff

She wrote 365 plays in 365 days, and now they are playing across the country over the next year. One of the cooler things I've heard of in a while. Way to be creative...

Chandler is really good at pointing.

The Air Force Memorial is pretty impressive.

One time, I had nothing to do on Dec 8th. 48 hours later I had 4 independent things I should be doing. Harsh. And strange.

Random fact about me: when I play MadLibs, I almost always use the word "shellac".
Random fact about me #2: When I was 5, my mom got me a pinball machine and a pool table for Christmas. She's cool. (no, not just because she gives me stuff).

Sam, my car, is now all jazzed up, for a while I hope. It has no more vibrations on the highway, the transmission is all flushed and re-liquidated, and a busted wheel stud has been unbusted. Let's hope that's all the work he'll need for a while. Go Sam!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

These are a few of my favorite words...

I've done it before, but I'm doing it again.


More to come when I think of them...

I liked "Banshee" long before these came along, but they help.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Two pictures from my trip to Seattle in July that I recently yoinked from Rob . SPACE. NEEDLE.