Don't Panic
Please, don't panic. This warning doesn't concern the fact that I'm posting TWICE in one day, though that is rare. Nor does it pertain to the new look of the TOLAS. It's been a full year since I've restarted TOLASing, so I figured a freshening was overdue. I also dropped the "The Sequel", since the second incarnation has lasted 3 times longer than the original.
t try not to panic when you hear this. I was in Giant on Saturday, and I saw something that scared me. Big time. Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch was on sale. Normally this would bring me joy (and lots of peanut buttery goodness). But above the sale price, in tiny little letters, were the two most terrible words that could be applied to PBC: "Discontinued Item". I was nearly floored. I've done some research, and have found no proof that this is a national thing, but I'm worried nonetheless. The Cap'n has been using the Good Ship Guppy to deliver this delectable cereal since 1969! And it's been among my favorites since 1990 or so. Are you saying that it's possible that Me and the Cap'n will no longer be able to make it happen each morning with mouthfulls of the crunchy peanut buttery quality only a Navy man can provide? I'm so mad that sentence barely makes sense! Stay tuned...