Thoughts on Life and Stuff (TOLAS)

Random in both frequency and topic, this is my life. Sort of.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Very Scottford Wedding

Just got back from Scottrick's wedding. It was very cool despite the heat. They had it outside in a public park, and invited the homeless folks that Scotty and his then-bride-to-be had been serving the last few years. And in their vows and message Scotty and Elizabeth kept coming back to the image of Christ as the bridegroom and us as His bride. Congrats guys! So excited for you.

We're putting the band back together...

Eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bride

She made it

Marriage-y things

Ok, this is from Gene's wedding in March, but too bad.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


My nose keeps itching, and it refuses to stop.
I can't tie my tie right today. It's either too long or too short, or the knot looks bad.
I keep tripping on nothing in the hall. Not due to new shoes; I've had them for 2 years.
I keep crashing into Will, and then having awkward conversations with him about ties and tripping on the hall.

Though annoying, if these are the only issues I have today, not so bad.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

High School Music

Sunshine lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together
Brighter than a lucky penny something something something ... must rhyme with together

This song popped into my head today. For whatever reason, some of us sang it regularly in high school. I forget why, but I certainly remember how. We never really figured out the end part, so we probably just hummed it. I looked it up, but it's easier to remember my version. It was a huge accomplishment the day Michelle P remembered the second line started with "brighter than a lucky penny".

Weekend Update:
Congrats to Mary on her engagement (and thanks for an awesome engagement party, with horses and chickens and trampolines). Way to go Chris and Brad and me for our skills on the baseball field (and the soccer field, which was still the baseball field). I was the only one who was bad at frisbee, but it was because of the wind. I swear!

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Opportunities Lost

When opportunity knocks, don't worry if you have a hard time getting out of your La-Z-Boy; someone else will answer...

For the past four years, Chris and I have tirelessly talked about an invention that would catapult us to fame and fortune while changing the way the whole world works: Wireless Electricity. We spent an inordinate amount of time testing the theory that warm air emitted from our mouths at audible frequencies would somehow result in the creation of power for objects around us. As our theory continually suffered setbacks and as our focus waned, researchers from MIT were working on a more promising solution, that involved actual research, effort and experimentation. The result: WiTricity. Strangely, this innovation proves a completely different theory about fluids in the human body: the sweat on your brow is worth much more than the condensation from your mouth. Who knew? This also proves yet again that Tesla was a man ahead of his time. And that Chris and I are a wee bit behind.

On the cool side, in a few years we'll have wireless electricity!

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

No birds, just bees

Poll: Bees are disappearing around the world due to

A: the proliferation of cell phones


B: a terrorist plot by Osama Bin Laden

Those appear to be the only options. Either way, it's a metaphor for the collapse of the federal government. This is what I learned yesterday from the Washington Post.
