Hey everyone! Guess what? Today is Groundhog Day! Given my distaste for holidays in general and pointless holidays in particular, one might think that I'd be a denouncer of all things February 2nd, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Groundhog Day is so pointless it has gained significant meaning. If that doesn't make sense to you, then your mind is too simple to grasp the bigger truths. Seriously though, this holiday centers around a rodent (named Phil)
being carried around by a bunch of pretentious do-gooders with funny titles (e.g. Burrow Master, Fog Spinner) weazring stylish top hats and capes. It's so ridiculous, there's no way they take themselves seriously. Right? RIGHT? And if they do, all the better! Plus, how else would anyone have any idea how to spell Punxsutawney? It's too cool a name to ignore.
"Don't I look like I can predict the weather?Here are some groundhog day references for your surfing enjoyment.
http://www.groundhog.org/ This is the official Groundhog Day website, fresh from PunxsutawneyPA. It's chock full o' information, including the history of Groundhog day, some fun facts about groundhogs, a description of the Inner Circle (those my heroes with the top hats), and the answer to the age-old question, "What do Groundhogs have to do with moisture?" (hint: it does not involve a humidity increase from groundhog innards, as I assumed).
The Supreme Holder of All Things Philish and GroundHoggy shows the specimen to the Grand Inspector of Shadows and Shadow-like Phenomena. Nice hats! Did you know that the National Guard is called in to protect Phil the night before the event?
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107048/ Groundhog Day, the Movie, staring Bill Murray as a weather reporter trapped in Punxsutawney repeating the same Groundhog Day over and over until he makes things right with his boss/love interest and learns to play the piano. A heart-warming tale about second, and third, and ten thousandth chances, and about how we should live every day to the fullest even if we are trapped reliving the same darn day over and over and have to do news reports on an oversized rat and the people who love him.
http://www.hoghaven.com/ A website dedicated to groundhogs AKA woodchucks AKA whistlepigs AKA marmots. Includes sounds, photos, and amazing video footage of the notably corpulent beasts.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog Wikipedia article featuring genus information, mating habits, and the photo documentation of a battle of wits between a groundhog and a golden retriever.
"Never go against a Marmot when death is on the line! Haahaahaah Haahaahahaaa!" ::pause:: ::plop::
That's all I got. Enjoy the day everybody!