Major accomplishment of the week: I rekeyed a lock. I'm cooking on the locksmithing work now. It was hard (I'm pretty sure it was mechanical failure rather than operator failure), but I was able to make a lock work for a different key. Pretty cool. I also made a duplicate of our apartment key, which is exciting too. It worked pretty good, then I tried to fix it and it works less good now, but it does work. I might have to find a way to add a smidgen of material...
A new person is moving in down the hall from me. The nametag on the door: David Matthews. What happens if I'm walking down the hall, minding my own business, and then WHAM! I crash into him, yeah? And then he falls, and Will Cooper and Bill Greer walk by and fall over him, he'll be tripping Billies. If he leaves crumbs from his lunch around, he might see the ants marching. He's new to the 6th floor, so he probably doesn't know that the fountain tastes all chorinate, so I'll have to tell him don't drink the water. Yes, I'm crazy, and this is going to drive me nuts, and then I will proceed to drive everyone around me nuts. Alreadym every time I walk by his office, I hum "Sat-e-llite (doo doo dooo do do)". And if he hears me each and every time, there's no way he'll want to stay for a while...
Why did the NYT bother having AO Scott review
Man of the Year? I'm pretty sure I could have written the same review, and I've never even seen the movie. Scott's usual razor-sharp wit seemed dulled a bit by the obvious stupidity of the movie, although he does take the time to peg Christopher Walken quite accurately. It's like bringing in Pedro Martinez to intentionally walk a batter... Save him for a movie where there's actually something to say that we don't know already...

I'm actually not a big Dave Matthews fan, so maybe David will be cooler